Free plans for Easy Glider

Added by: RC Plane PosterType: gliderAutor: Juri ResslerWingspan: 2000Flying Weight: 520Download Free Plans RC Model (511)Rewiev:

The swing is two meters, the profile is KF. Loneron — two slats 12×5.

Material — sheet foam 6mm. Under the electric motor ~ 150 watts. all-round stabilizer.

Approximately two dozen details. Basically, foam, a little plywood (motor foot), wooden or coal pins, a plastic credit / telephone card (Visa AmEx will not work, because corrugated), two rubber bands for fixing the wing.

plans of rc model easy glider

The detailed plan is divided into A4 sheets. Do not scale when printing.

plans of rc model easy glider

plans of rc model easy glider

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